What a kind, professional lady Heidi is. She is so easy to talk to, very personable and I felt totally at ease discussing difficult, emotional subjects and feelings with her that have been the reason for my depression. She offered me the support I needed and made the sessions enjoyable.
Being able to take my time to chat freely with her at home and not in a clinical environment was a huge positive for me. Her skills, understanding and knowledge of what I’m struggling with and what might help e.g., suggestions of useful and appropriate websites for all types of support has been a great help.
I would absolutely recommend her and this type of support for other patients who I’m sure would benefit too.

There are no words to say how much you have helped me in my life since we met.
You are a dear, thoughtful, and soft person who I will remember dearly.
I cannot imagine anyone being as an outstanding human as you are and have been in the meetings we have had to help me see life’s challenges in a mindful way.
You are an absolute asset to anyone who you meet whom you can help as much as you have
helped me.

The help & understanding you have given me at the saddest time of my life is more than I could have hoped for & I am so grateful for your help & understanding.
Your advice will stay with me & again thank you so much for all you help.