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Preventing Type 2 Diabetes

Preventing type 2 diabetes

Whilst type 1 diabetes cannot be prevented, type 2 diabetes is largely preventable through lifestyle changes. Around nine out of ten people with diabetes have type 2 and there are currently two million people in England at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes, which is a leading cause of preventable sight loss in people of working age and is a major contributor to kidney failure, heart attack, and stroke.


We have created an online educational programme to provide knowledge and guidance to our patients in the hope of preventing type 2 diabetes and to reverse pre-diabetes.


The programme is broken down into 8 parts that you can work through at your own pace.  You'll be able to access the programme at a time to suit you and you'll be able to revisit if you feel you need to refresh your knowledge.


It's better to work through the programme step by step, so starting at part 1 and completing the focus of the week for each part before moving onto the next part.  All the parts follow on from the previous and take you on a journey of knowledge.  We hope you find this useful.

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Healthier You NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme

If you are at high risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, you may be eligible for referral to your local Healthier You service. This NHS-funded programme can support you to make simple changes to your diet, weight management and physical activity levels. They are easy to incorporate into your everyday routine and can significantly reduce your risk of diabetes-related health problems.


Usually your GP will offer you this programme at the time of diagnosis, but you can still take part if you turned down the offer at that time if you meet all of the following criteria:


  • Aged 18 years or over

  • Not currently pregnant

  • Do not currently have diabetes

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Please note: Your GP or nurse will need to refer you onto this programme - patients cannot self-refer.


The Healthier You NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme, also known as the Healthier You programme, identifies people at risk of developing type 2 diabetes and refers them onto a nine-month, evidence-based lifestyle change programme. It is a joint service from NHS England and NHS Improvement and Diabetes UK.


The Healthier You programme is available both as a face-to-face group service and as a digital service. When referred into the programme, people are free to choose between the two.  People on the face-to-face group service receive personalised support to manage their weight, eat more healthily and be more physically active – which together have been proven to reduce a person’s risk of developing type 2 diabetes.


The digital service offers similar support but through the use of digital tools such as wearable technologies that monitor levels of exercise, apps where users can access health coaches, online peer support groups and the ability to set and monitor goals electronically.


Research shows the Healthier You NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme has reduced new diagnoses of type 2 diabetes in England, saving thousands of people from the potentially serious consequences of the condition. It cuts the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by more than a third for people completing the programme.


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